
Going Local Going Green

I'm working on a research project. You can find out more about it here or at http://www.goinglocalgoinggreen.info/

I'll be posting up things we learn, blogposts and other updates. But for now, this is what we're doing. 

Going Local Going Green is a website and project dedicated to exploring what it means to go 'local' and be 'green' in our home town,
 the mighty city of Bristol.

On this blog you will find articles and information detailing the various experiences of going local and going green in our city of Bristol. You will hear from Jo, Tim, Cai and Holly about the areas in which we are exploring under the overarching themes of nature, food, land, health and economy. We will also explore what exactly 'local' and 'green' means to us, and using our chosen methodology (action learning) we will amble along, digging up information now and then to share with you, and hopefully inspire and connect you even more with the city around us. 

Follow us on twitter for all the latest news: @GoingLocalGreen

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