
covert trowels

A couple of weeks ago my good pal gt and I took part in some guerilla gardening.

And what can I say.
It was a lavender scented gem. 

It took place on a mild March evening full of smiles and manure and mead and butterless cookies with strangers, exchanging stories and trowels whilst dragging dead shrubs about the cycle paths. It was one of the best evenings I have had in a long time. Helping out in a covert operation with people living in the community to plant little seedlings that had a whole future ahead of them, whilst keeping a look out for the po-po and sneaking sips of cloudy wiltshire cider is just the way I want to spend my Friday nights. 

If you want to hear more about our evening, visit the guerilla gardening site here (notice the shout out to the welsh mead bearing lovely couple - didn't want to correct on facts after such a nice endorsement...)

And if you want to start your own... here are some helpful tips. 

The only advice I can offer is that you bring a change of gloves and shoes (and possibly trousers) if you don't want to end up smelling like horse shit for the rest of the evening in the pub.

(Learnt from first hand experience.)

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