
When in Palestine we met a wonderful man called Hamed.
Hamed knew a group of wonderful people from Bristol, my home town.
These people are called the 'easton cowboys and girls'
I have stumbled across various members of the group at events and talks around the city and think they are all rather lovely people. The thing that binds them together is sport. and a political conscience.
to find out more about the easton cowboys visit their home page:
easton cowboys and girls
and here is a really bloody good short video about their 2007 tour to the West Bank, Palestine:
and my favourite bit of the website is the Q&A section:
Why Do We Do It?
The point about all this is to realise your dreams. The Cowboys will listen to any idea, however ludicrous it sounds – so don’t be afraid to voice your opinion and try to convince other Cowboys that it should be done. If the Cowboys have a rule it is, if we say we’re going to do something, we do it. We only have a short life, so let’s make the most of it.
This is what my dissertation looks like in a wordle.
interesting times. try it out here.
in the most simplest of ways it says so much...
Israel is bigger than Palestine
People are smaller than territory
and nation, identity and ideology are all fighting to be bigger than each other...
i just wish understanding wasn't so small in this picture.
no way through
A tiny, 7 minute look at what it is to be palestinian, living in the west bank, today.
It is insane to consider having the same restrictions and implications of our actions on the streets in the UK. Bringing to the forefront the huge abuses of human rights that are interwoven into legal practicialities of every day living for inferioir citizens of an occupied territory of Israel major.
Beautifully shot with a simple message. Don't let the people of Palestine suffer in silence.
what if it were you?
t e a
if you know me well you will be aware i am partial to a nice cup of tea.
this mild obsession has become concrete over the years. my return from China resulted in me taking a green tea every morning before work or university. my return from palestine meant black tea with ample sugars. my new favourite which i cannot get enough of is lady grey (closely followed by orange roibos)
my top 3 tea experiences
- being sat in the oldest tea room in shang hai with one of the best friends you could want for. sipping flowering tea with a side of quails eggs looking over a lake in a park. the quals eggs werent up to much, but the tea was incredible and the experience a delicate magic.
- tea society; a little treat me and my first flatmates alice and bex created at university. it was once a week, or fortnight, or month and was an excuse for all tea drinkers to bring a tea of choice, gather in our kitchen and talk about the world. preferably with biscuits and cakes. even if only one person turned up, it was worth the kettle boiling.
- a good friend come over to my house in brighton with a loose leaf bag of tea and a small spherical strainer. he knew i was sick and wanted to help, and so did it in the best form possible. tea time. what a gem.
- tea and hot cross buns. anywhere. any time.